Monday, May 30, 2011

Picture of the Day

Image Credit: AmUnivers

To many people, this image is of leaves in autumn, but to me, this image shows how the simplest item can be beautiful and easy to capture. This picture is beautiful because the leaf is a beautiful shade of red with the perfect amount of sunshine on it, and the thing that makes this picture beautiful is the fact that it can be taken in anyone's backyard. Any person can achieve this level of beauty without much effort or time involved. All it takes is a setting like the leaves on a tree, a camera, and the photographer and the rest is easy peasy.

This image applies to this blog. The recipes that will be used are for simple yet beautiful dishes that anyone can make, no matter where you live. Food does not have to have a complicated recipe to taste good, just like the image of the leaves did not have to show the whole tree to be beautiful. The entire tree would show the complexity of the tree along with its size, the lone leaves shows the simple yet sophisticated appearance of something much smaller.  The kitchen will be the setting, since this is where the cooking magic will happen. The camera in the case of cooking will be the different ingredients that will be used in order to make the food. Finally, we will need a photographer, or you, the person cooking the food. I want the chef to feel like they are taking a complex thing and turning it into something that was simple but still delicious. Just like the tree and its leaves.

About This Blog

This blog is geared towards college students or anyone who wants to enjoy easy meals that do not cost as much as tuition. Being a student is hard enough, why worry about what you are going to eat. This blog will show students that they can enjoy meals cooked at home, instead of eating fast food or processed foods. I will have made all the items prior to writing about them and I will include a picture of the final product. This blog will add if I would make this meal again or if it was a disaster. Hopefully, these recipes will help students realize that they can have delicious food that was easy to make and light on the pocketbook.

Everyone around me cooks. My mother is a consultant with Pampered Chef and my grandmother has learned how to cook Polish and Italian food from her parents. I am slowly learning these family recipes and I am eager to make and share them!